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privacy policy.

As in regulation but GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you have rights regarding your personal data :

Right of Access - You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.

Right of Rectification - You have the right to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or                                                           incomplete.

Right to be forgotten - You have the right to ask for certain data that we hold on you to be erased from our                                              records.

By expressing an interest in our services, visiting our websites or registering to use our services, we may collect personal data from you:

Personal Information
- Contact Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Medical History
Financial Information
- Billing Name
- Billing Address
- Credit/Debit Card Details
System Information
- IP Address
- Cookies

The information we collect from you is to enable us to provide service to our customers. These may include but are not limited to :

- Processing Service Requests
- Processing Product Orders
- Processing Payments
- Providing Customer Support
- Managing Customer & Prospect Relationships
- Developing & Improving Our Services
- Promotional Offers & Marketing

By entering your details into our websites (, Instagram, Facebook, Email, Setmore, Fresha, Google, Direct Message) you are agreeing to us collecting and storing your data for use in the above scenarios. You have the right to opt out at any time.

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